The NH HPG is made has several tiers representing several levels of participation: General HPG membership/meetings, standing committees, workgroups and ad hoc committees. Workgroups, standing committees and ad hoc committees do not require an invitation to join nor do they have a strict attendance policy, so folks can participate as their schedules allow. Some workgroups are on-going or standing, such as the Education and the Recruitment & Retention workgroups; while others are “ad-hoc” such as the PrEP committee, which will exist until all necessary tasks associated with developing appropriate resources are completed. Participating on a committee or workgroup is a great way to enhance your understanding of and contribution to the HIV planning process. Please follow the specific links on the tab above to learn more about the various committees and workgroups. Meeting dates, times and locations along with any cancellation information can be found on the HPG calendar. Keep reading to learn more about who should join the NH HPG.

who should join the nh hpg?

general community

Insurance Providers
Clergy & Faith Community
Teachers & Teaching Assistants
Other Interested Community Members

hiv community

People Living with HIV/AIDS
People Affected by HIV/AIDS
People Connected to HIV/AIDS

medical community

Physicians/Physicians’ Assistants
Nurses/Nursing Assistants
Advanced Practice Nurses
Public Health Workers
Dentists/Dental Assistants
Mental Health Providers
Medical Case Managers

social services community

Social Workers
Case Managers
Benefits Providers/Managers
Refugee Service Providers