The IHP Workgroup advises the New Hampshire HIV Planning Group by providing oversight for the NH Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan (NH HIV IHP) through collaboration with the goal of achieving improving health outcomes related to HIV.

Annual Quality Goals

The NH HIV IHP will provide a framework for the overall goals of the Workgroup Team. In addition to these overall goals, the two Workgroup annual quality goals are:

  1. To meet the time phased resources for each strategy as identified by the NH HIV IHP and report on the progress to the NH HPG quarterly.
  2. To create the yearly Workgroup report for distribution to the members of the NH HPG.

The responsibilities of the Workgroup include:

  • Monitor progress made on strategies, objectives, and goals through collection of metrics delivered by the responsible entity outlined in the NH HIV IHP.
  • Keep the NH HIV Planning Group up to date on the progress being made through quarterly reporting at HPG meetings.
  • Provide an annual overview of the progress made once a year at the HPG meeting.
  • Actively participate in meetings, conference calls, and other activities as needed.
  • Review and update the NH HIV IHP annually

One yearly Workgroup report will be developed summarizing the progress made towards the strategies, objectives, and goals as outlined in the NH HIV IHP. It will also include the results of any quality improvement projects and updates to the NH HIV IHP. The yearly report will be distributed to all members of the NH HPG. In addition, the chair of the Workgroup Team will be a member of the advisory committee and provide monthly updates as to the progress being made.


Meetings will be by invitation only and will be held in person on a quarterly basis. Additional conference calls will be scheduled as needed. All decisions by the committee will be made by the majority vote.